Nexsure® Release 4.6.0 (4-21-2023)
| Enhancements | Resolved Issues | Previous Development |
- Added a strike-through to show inactive items on the Units at Risk summary screen
- Prevent certificates from being issued when the policy is in a Future status
- Added a user preference to select a default delivery template which will be the default template selected when delivering a certificate using Mass Email within a certificate
- Added a feature to retain the sort and filter settings within a user's Inbox
- Added the ability to search all Named Insured's when accepting an email within "My Inbox"
- Changed behavior within the user's Inbox to allow all policies from all carriers to show when receiving from a Carrier
Document Management
- Allow files with a.jpeg or .csv extension to be added as attachments within Nexsure
- Updated Download Coverage Codes for Slide Insurance Company
- Updated the ACORD 84 to the latest version
- Updated the ACORD 90 CA to the latest version
- Added a Claims History Loss Run Request Supplement form
- Added the ability to check multiple checkboxes for "General Aggregate Limit Applies To" on the GL LOB
- Added the ability to flag certificates to be viewable within the portals
- Suppress accounts if Current Year, Prior Year and Net Change are 0 on the Balance Sheet report
- Added columns for Retail Agent Enterprise Code, Client Primary Assignment Name, Client Primary Responsibility and Policy Primary Assignment Responsibility to the Book of Business report
- Added the Coverage Term Effective/Expiration and Policy Term Effective/Expiration dates to the Action report
- Added the Retail Agent Enterprise Code along with the Retail Agent contact name and email address listed on the assignment tab of a policy to the Submitted Log report
- Removed the New Comm Exp Date, New Comm Status, Renew Comm Exp Date, Renew Comm Status, Rewrite Comm Exp Date and Rewrite Comm Status columns from the Retail Agent Commission Defaults report and the Employee Commission Default report since these fields are no longer on Nexsure UI
Service Automation
- Added support for Amazon Polly Twilio Voice Option
Submission Suite
- Added the ability to have Renewal Submissions maintain installment plan selected on expiring policy
- Added 100 days as an option for Renewal Submission trigger
- Added Assignment as a field option to be used in data
- Added a new lookup control connected to AskKodiak NAICS lookup service
- Remove manually added policy documents from expiring policies on Renewal Submissions
- Prevent invoices from being created on policies with unposted Submissions
Resolved Issues
- Corrected an issue with Deposits, Receive Payments and Reconciliations in which reversing to a locked period would instead reverse to the 1st of the next available month
- Corrected an issue in which adding the same LOB with or without an alias to a package with 2 or more of the same LOB would duplicate the LOB on the premium line exponentially each time the LOB is added
- Corrected an issue in which selecting a Certificate Delivery Template when mass emailing a certificate would not add the attachment associated to the template to the delivery
- Corrected an issue in which clicking the Click Here link in an ePay email would truncate the Client Primary Named Insured on the ePay payment screen when there was an ampersand in the name
- Corrected an issue in which attaching an invoice in deliveries is not defaulting the first invoice style on the menu
- Corrected an issue in which Comprehensive Coverage on any Commercial Auto LOB would show on the screen in Nexsure but would not print to the overflow form when there were many vehicles on the policy
- Corrected an issue in which the form migration from an older version of the ACORD 127/137 OR form was not working properly when migrating to newest version of the form
- Corrected an issue with the date parameters on the Retail Agent Portal Utilization report in which the report would return data outside the given date range entered
- Corrected an issue on the Assignment Audit - Policy report in which data would return for all Territories even when a specific Territory was selected within the filters